Byhalia Industrial Park

Nemac Way ,Byhalia, MS 38611
This site has a total of 105 acres though only 10 acres are available for purchase. The largest tract of land that can be purchased in this industrial park is 10 acres. The park is owned by the Marshall County Industrial Development Authority and is zoned industrial. The park is located 3 miles from US Highway 78, 12 miles from the Holly Springs Airport and 25 miles from the Memphis River Terminal.
- 3.4 miles to US Hwy 78/I-22
- 2.3 miles to MS Hwy 309
- 14.8 miles to US Hwy 72
- 26.1 miles to Memphis International Airport
- 12 miles to Holly Springs-Marshall County Airport
- 36 miles to Port of Gulfport
- 0.5 miles to BNSF Rail
- Electric: TVA, 161 V
- Sewer: City of Byhalia, 8″ main
- Gas: City of Byhalia, 100 Main PSI, 4″ main
- Water: City of Byhalia 12″ main
- Telecom: AT&T, Centurylink